September 25, 2023

Open Letter from Our CEO

What is Roxxon?

That's a question I was asked recently, and to be honest, I didn't have an answer. Roxxon has grown from just an idea I had to a small team, and with all the different projects and visions we all have for the company, it's getting harder to speak to what the company vision is. With all that in mind, Jasper and I spent a few weeks talking about our vision and where we wanted to see the company headed and how we can get there. We fully believe that the new Roxxon will be indictive of our shared vision and operating at a level of success.

As part of our implementing our new vision, we had to re-explore what we current do here at Roxxon. In order to successfully realize our plans, we have determined that some of our current projects and offerings just aren't working and unfortunately will come to an end.

What Changes are Coming?

For the most part, in terms of organizational structure, Roxxon is pretty much staying the same, but just some new names for teams and positions.

Roxxon Corporation, doing business as Roxxon, will still be the parent company for Roxxon's US & international dealings. I (Ryan Norris) will still be leading Roxxon as President & CEO.

Roxxon's US business will now become Roxxon US LLC, a subsidary of Roxxon Corporation and will continue to be led by my friend and confidant Jasper Davis as President & CEO.

Roxxon's international business will now become Roxxon Global LLC, a subsidary of Roxxon Corporation and will continue to be led by Kayla Norris as President & CEO.

What about the rest of the company?

We will still be making changes within the next few weeks, but we wanted to confirm that will still be standing heavily behind our media and SciTech teams.

Roxxon Media Group, part of Roxxon US is working on our creator workhouse and plans to go live by Q1 2024. The DC Chronicle is slated to go live by start of Q4 2023.

Roxxon Technology Solutions, part of Roxxon has not changed and is still offering it's full array of services.

Yakker Social, part of Roxxon is planning on going live by mid Q4 2023!


The team here are looking forward to being able to show off just what makes them awesome. Thank you for a marvelous Q3 and let's finish the year strong!

-Ryan Norris, President & CEO of Roxxon Corporation

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